Neubecker Urges Passage of Same Sex Marriage Legalization in Illinois
The Illinois General Assembly is set to consider and vote on Illinois Senate Bill 10, the Marriage Fairness Act. If the measure passes, same sex marriage would become legal in the State of Illinois. Passage of the measure hangs in the balance as reported last week when Illinois Speaker of the General Assembly Michael Madigan reported a shortage of the 12 votes required to ensure passage.
When the measure was passed in the Senate this past Valentine’s Day, it was sent to the Illinois General Assembly for consideration. Later, on February 26th, it was voted out of the executive committee of the Illinois General Assembly by the minimum number of votes required to send the bill to the floor.
Chicago’s West Side State Representative Alex Arroyo, a member of the Illinois General Assembly executive committee, voted to send the bill to the floor for an up or down vote, but stated that he was not going to be able to support the bill if and when the final vote on the floor of the House was called.
Last week, Illinois Speaker of the General Assembly Michael Madigan had reported that the measure was short by the 12 votes necessary to ensure passage. The legislation is expected to be called for a vote as early as Wednesday or Thursday of this week, if enough votes have been secured before the Illinois General Assembly recesses later this week.
Forensicon’s President and CEO Lee Neubecker stated, “As a business owner and CEO of a Chicago-based technology firm, I strongly urge the legislature to vote yes on legalizing same sex marriage in Illinois. This measure if passed will make it easier for the region to recruit technology companies and diverse talent to the Chicagoland area. This sends a clear message that our region is tolerant, fair, and values diversity.”

“As the parents of two children that have had five ‘traditional’ families, none of whom kept their promises to our kids, I am compelled to share my daughter’s letter at her specific request. My children, and so many other children whom languish in the foster care system often age out of the system without ever becoming adopted, all deserve the opportunity to have a ‘forever family’. I urge my clients, colleagues, business partners, staff and friends to share our daughter’s story and reach out to your elected officials and encourage them to support passage of the Illinois Marriage Fairness Act. Every child deserves the chance to have a ‘forever home’ and to be treated fairly!”, appealed Neubecker.
“Please listen to the importance of the passage of this act through the eyes of a child by reading my daughter’s letter and sharing her experience with those who need to consider the perspective of an adopted child.” ended Neubecker.
‘Why Illinois should vote to allow my two dads to get married. ‘ – By Braiden Neubecker
Love is important! It doesn’t matter who people love, as long as they are happy. Everyone should have the right to marry who he or she wants. You may not like two men being married, but for them, it’s normal. My two dads should be able to be married and have the same rights as any married couple. How would you feel if you couldn’t marry someone just because the government said you weren’t allowed to.
If I loved someone and wasn’t allowed to marry them, I would be really sad. My family has taught me that even if you don’t agree with someone, you should still be kind and respectful. The government should too. Also, my church tells me that you should treat other people the way you want to be treated.
My dads are very unique. We do lots of silly things like having hot cocoa every single time it snows. Every summer we go to the same place in Florida with one dad’s whole family. Our family knows how to have fun. We do lots of road trips. Also, we have gone on cruises. I really enjoy traveling with my dads. It is very fun. One of my favorite things to do as a family is family game night. I LOVE this family and I love every single thing we do as a family.
Before I lived with my two dads, my life was horrible. My old family never treated me well. They wouldn’t stand up for me. If my foster sister fought with me, my old mom would just sit there and watch me get hurt, so I would have to fight back. Each time I was at foster home, the foster parents promised me they would keep me safe and treat my brother and I equally.But they always broke their promise. I moved five times until my dad and daddy found me. They also promised that they would always love me and keep me safe and they would treat me equal to my brother. I was 4 when I met them. Now I am 10 and they have kept their promises.
They do so much for me. They never hurt me or my brother. I feel so safe. I believe I can do anything with my two dads. Would there be any purpose to ban the marriage of two men or two women when they can treat children the same or even better than other couples.
I hope that you will do the right thing and let anyone marry who they want to.