Database Forensics

Businesses today utilize a variety of platforms to manage their operations. Most businesses today store core transactional, operational, and client data within databases applications. Legal discovery that seeks important information in these areas necessitates the need for experienced database professionals that can quickly understand and learn new database structures and help a non-technical client or attorney discern the significance of the data and how such data might be relevant to discovery requests relating to litigation.
Litigation pertaining to wage and hour disparity, anti-competitive behavior, bankruptcy, financial fraud and ownership or shareholder disputes often requires production of relevant and organized responsive data that may exist in various financial applications. Larger organizations typically rely upon enterprise level ERP systems that utilize Microsoft SQL, Oracle, Sybase, Informix or open source SQL database platforms. Smaller to medium organizations may use programs such as Peachtree, Quicken, Sage, or QuickBooks to record various financial transactions. Many of these databases use less robust database platforms such as Btrieve, Boreland, MS Access, Paradox, SQLExpress or flat file databases engines. To effectively obtain relevant information from this variety of sources, a litigator often needs the assistance of an experienced computer forensics database administrator and investigator to assist with many of the following discovery support functions that pertain uniquely to database and application eDiscovery and forensics:
- Data map to help identify the location of the various sources of responsive data
- Assist with interviewing and composing questions of a hostile opposing party’s IT management function
- Often serve as a discovery liaison during initial eDiscovery meet and confer conferences
- Develop 30(b)(6) questions in support of interrogatories and depositions
- Review produced sources of ESI and database schemas and other application documents to assist with the formulation of more targeted discovery requests that pertain to non-document type data that exists in applications and databases
- Assist and construct report examples and redaction strategies to avoid costly discovery requests, while enabling quick and cost effective production of the key data by an opposing party
- Perform an onsite inspection, review, and collection of an opposing party’s data that may exist only within a database or application
- Perform filtering and manipulation of data captured from database and application sources in an effort to assist the client with demonstrating pattern-based activities and conclusions regarding the collected data
- Testify regarding the authenticity or possible destruction of the relevant data
The application of database forensics and discovery requires a host of skill sets that most eDiscovery professional and forensic examiners today lack. Forensicon has a demonstrable track record of success helping clients navigate unknown waters and locate the origin of important data needed to prove a litigation claim.
If you are seeking data from an opposing party or have a duty to produce data from a custom application or database, consider calling Forensicon today for a complimentary initial consultation. Our examiners are trained in computer forensics and database modeling. Many of our staff are experienced database application programmers who can quickly construct queries and reports that can help you to report on the data that is important to your discovery related production obligations, while minimizing the inconvenience and costs of obtaining or producing such information in a usable and understandable format.
Forensicon staff can be reached by calling 888-427-5667.